Opportunity mapping in the utilities business


Customer challenge

The client is the Italian branch of a global multiutility company, with over 3.000 people working across the country. In Italy, the client has traditionally focused on energy efficiency: today, it aims at growing into other areas building on its extensive presence on the field and its strong technical background.


To define and execute its strategy it was extremely important to understand in which segment to enter and with what value proposition.

Our results

We believe that defining the scope of innovation is the first step for a successful innovation strategy.


That’s why we started by organizing a strategy workshop with company’s top management, following our “Innovation Strategy Workshop®” framework: we looked at trends that may disrupt the customer’s industry, internal ideas that could deliver growth, and interviewed internal and external experts. In a co-creation session with the management, we identified of 4 strategic priorities. These priorities were then translated into a pipeline of strategic projects, each contributing to the achievement of the goals set by the management.


Corporate Hangar was tasked either to coordinate the development of some projects acting as project management office or to directly contribute to executing the selected initiatives.


With respect to this second case, we took the lead for those ideas that were particularly innovative, therefore far from the core business of the company, or that required strong technical competences that the organization had not yet developed internally.


One of the most tangible results of this collaboration has been the co-development of a NewCo that has the goal of developing a new stream of products and services for the customers of our client company.

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